Tips to Keep Your Home Siding Looking Like New

Homeowners can make their homes stand out by maintaining the appearance and function of siding. Specially designed for this, our checklist includes tips on how best to take care your home’s exterior surfaces from top-to bottom. Cleaning Helping prevent problems with cracking or peeling paint Clean under preventive measures such as applying sealsant where needed applied light layers before weatherization if desired remove fly persimmons fairly regularly.

The siding on your house may be the first thing that people see when they approach or leave from afar. They need to look good and last as long as possible for you, so don’t take care of them lightly!

When deciding whether to clean or do upkeep on your home’s siding, there are several types of surfaces that require different approaches. Brick and vinyliatric panels are covered in this article but wood sidings also have their own unique care requirements which you’ll learn about today! 

Maintaining Wood Siding


Wood siding is not only one of the most beautiful types, but also expensive. If you want your house to last for at least ten years with this type on it then be sure and get maintenance done every once in a while because that will protect yourself from having another major repair or replacement cost coming up quickly! The following siding maintenance tips will help you enjoy the beauty of your wood siding for a long time:

Make Sure the Wood Siding is Sealed Properly


If you want your wood siding to last for years and protect it from chipping, cracking or moisture damage then make sure that they are sealed with either stain/paint instead of just being left uncovered.

Regular Cleaning for Wood Siding


Your home’s wood siding is supposed to be cleaned at least once a year. Use warm and soapy water with the soft-bristled brush, make sure you rinse off all soap before moving on!


Keeping Your Siding Color Looking Sharp


Unfortunately, your wood siding is likely to get discolored as it ages. This problem can only be fixed by regularly washing dirt off the exterior with either a pressure washer or low concentration bleach solution!


Keep Branches Away


Your wood siding is most vulnerable when water comes in. It’s important to keep it away from branches and shrubs because they will easily bring moisture that can rot your boards or cause mold development on them over time!


Maintaining Brick Siding


The brick siding was the most popular option for homes in America up until about ten years ago, but it has since lost its popularity to other materials. Maintenance is minimal with this type of material; just an annual check-up will keep your house looking good as new! The following maintenance tips will protect your brick siding from possible tear and wear:

Clean Your Brick Regularly


Cleaning your brick siding can be a daunting task, but it is worth the effort. Brick may accumulate dirt and oils over time which lead to stains on its surface if left unchecked; these cleaning products are usually made out of harsh chemicals that will damage paint finishes as well so make sure you use low-quality bleach or light pressure washing methods when wiping away all those pesky marks from around windowsills and garden sprinklers!


Keep Scrubs and Plants out of the Brick


The brick siding on your house is important for its overall look and function. Make sure there aren’t any plants growing near or sticking to it because they can damage the integrity of these surfaces over time, especially if you have pets that might rub against them!

If you notice plants adhering to the siding, do not snatch them out as that could damage mortar permanently. Instead cut off at soil level and let nature take its course with this plant!


Maintaining Vinyl Siding


Vinyl siding is becoming less popular in the Texas heat, but if you still have it on your house there are special ways to maintain them. You shouldn’t treat vinyl like regular wood or brick-style panels either; make sure they’re cleaned regularly and don’t accumulate too much sun bleaching over time! Use the following tips to help your vinyl siding look great for years:

Avoid Using Harsh Chemicals


Your house is your home, and if you want it to be in tip-top condition then cleaning the vinyl on exterior of buildings needs some attention. With continuous exposure from harsh weather conditions like rain or snow (or even just sunscreen), there’s a chance that dirt could get stuck onto these surfaces which will only discolor over time too! So make sure not only do we clean them often–but also remove any particles before they have their way with our lovely siding. 

Whenever you’re looking to clean your vinyl flooring, make sure that the cleaner is non-acid and doesn’t contain any harsh chemicals like bleach or other solvents. These products can damage it over time if used frequently enough!

Powerwash Vinyl Siding with Ease


There are times when you might need to step things up a notch if your vinyl siding has been neglected for some time. Powerwashing can be used as an effective way of cleaning and restoring the appearance on these surfaces, but it’s important not do harm by accident or oversight; therefore make sure that any location being powerwashed is safe from pedestrians before starting! 

Power washers are a great way to get rid of dirt and grime on your home. But since they can create high pressure water, it’s important not abuse this tool by adjust the settings so that you don’t cause damage!

Keep Grills at a Distance


The summer heat means more people are outside enjoying BBQs and grills. It’s important to ensure that your grill doesn’t come too close so as not damage vinyl siding, which can lead them away from appreciating this beautiful season like you do!

You risk warping and melting by exposing your vinyl siding to too high temperatures. To keep yourself safe, make sure the grill is at least 10 inches away from any exposed surfaces on or near homes with this type of exterior material!

At NJ Vinyl Siding and Home Improvement  we assist every homeowner interested in getting a quote for Roofing Installation or Roofing Repair in Bergenfield New Jersey.
